決一死戰 的英文怎麼說
- In 1650, the ultimate showdown between the world's two greatest powers occurred. Two years later, one of them disappeared.
- It's the ultimate showdown between the iPhone X and the Samsung S9.
- An international showdown was inevitable to resolve the North Korea crisis.
- A: In India dogs are made to fight to the death for gamblers to wager on the outcome.
B: Really?
A: No I made that up.
[1] ultimate showdown[2] to fight to the death[3] a fight to the death
showdown = 攤牌或一決勝負
ultimate showdown = 最後的攤牌或一決勝負,也有決一死戰的意思
the ultimate showdown between the world's two greatest powers = 世上的兩大強國之間的決一死戰
ultimate showdown 也可以用在兩個產品之間的決定性的比較,例如兩款最新的手機。
決一死戰 = to fight to the death,例如例句中的狗狗要打架打到某隻狗死掉為止
ultimate showdown = 最後的攤牌或一決勝負,也有決一死戰的意思
the ultimate showdown between the world's two greatest powers = 世上的兩大強國之間的決一死戰
ultimate showdown 也可以用在兩個產品之間的決定性的比較,例如兩款最新的手機。
決一死戰 = to fight to the death,例如例句中的狗狗要打架打到某隻狗死掉為止
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
售票處的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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