冠軍賽 的英文怎麼說
- The two winners of the semi-finals will go through to the final next Friday.
- In NBA, the winning t...
- The two winners of the semi-finals will go through to the final next Friday.
- In NBA, the winning team from each conference will advance to the final round, or the NBA Finals.
- In the Funniest Video Competition, the top eight highest-rated videos will enter the final round.
- When the preliminaries are over, three people from each class are guaranteed to enter the finals.
- The winner of each preliminary will go through to the final next Friday.
- The preliminaries are over and sixteen teams are standing. Come out to Small Egg this Saturday for the finals of the National Basketball Festival.
[1] finals
final round
championship s...
[1] finals
final round
championship series
[2] final
championship game
[3] round of 2
冠軍賽 = 總決賽 = final 或 championship game,兩者...
冠軍賽 = 總決賽 = final 或 championship game,兩者都很普遍,而 round of 2 只是冠軍賽的字面上的解釋,並不普遍用在對話裡,此賽事有兩人或兩隊伍參加。
finals 或 final round 或 championship series 都指兩者爭冠軍的賽事,但比賽有可能不只一場,例如 NBA 的冠軍賽就有最多7場比賽,7戰4勝,它們就指這所有7場比賽。
簡單來說,finals = final round = championship series = 爭奪冠軍的最後一場賽事,此賽事可能只用一場比賽決定,也可能用幾戰幾勝的方式
而 final 或 championship game 意思不同,它是指最後一場的比賽,例如 NBA 的兩個隊伍是3比3平手,那麼第7場比賽就可稱為 final 或 championship game。
簡單來說,final = championship game = 爭奪冠軍的最後一場比賽
final round 也可用在比較小型的賽事的冠軍賽或總決賽,或者是非肢體運動的賽事,例如 "最好笑影片的比賽的冠軍賽"。
請注意,冠軍賽不一定是指 "決賽",如果你想知道決賽的英文,請參考相關字。
小知識: 在兩隊互打的比賽中,當只有八名參賽者時,該比賽稱為「半準決賽」,接下來剩餘四名參賽者為「準決賽」,勝出雙方將在「決賽」或錦標輪相遇而決定冠軍,決賽在某些情況也被稱為「冠軍賽」或「冠亞軍賽」。
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