總決賽 的英文怎麼說
總決賽的英文例句 The two winners of the semi-finals will go through to the final next Friday. In NBA, the winning t... The two winners of the semi-finals will go through to the final next Friday. In NBA, the winning team from each conference will advance to the final round, or the NBA Finals. In the Funniest Video Competition, the top eight highest-rated videos will enter the final round. When the preliminaries are over, three people from each class are guaranteed to enter the finals. The winner of each preliminary will go through to the final next Friday. The preliminaries are over and sixteen teams are standing. Come out to Small Egg this Saturday for the finals of the National Basketball Festival. 讀更多 總決賽的相關詞 總決賽的同義詞 總決賽的英文翻譯 [1] finals final round championship s...
[1] finals
final round
championship series
[2] final
championship game
[3] round of 2
總決賽的英文翻譯解釋 冠軍賽 = 總決賽 = final 或 championship game,兩者...
冠軍賽 = 總決賽 = final 或 championship game,兩者都很普遍,而 round of 2 只是冠軍賽的字面上的解釋,並不普遍用在對話裡,此賽事有兩人或兩隊伍參加。 finals 或 final round 或 championship series 都指兩者爭冠軍的賽事,但比賽有可能不只一場,例如 NBA 的冠軍賽就有最多7場比賽,7戰4勝,它們就指這所有7場比賽。 簡單來說,finals = final round = championship series = 爭奪冠軍的最後一場賽事,此賽事可能只用一場比賽決定,也可能用幾戰幾勝的方式 而 final 或 championship game 意思不同,它是指最後一場的比賽,例如 NBA 的兩個隊伍是3比3平手,那麼第7場比賽就可稱為 final 或 championship game。 簡單來說,final = championship game = 爭奪冠軍的最後一場比賽 final round 也可用在比較小型的賽事的冠軍賽或總決賽,或者是非肢體運動的賽事,例如 "最好笑影片的比賽的冠軍賽"。 請注意,冠軍賽不一定是指 "決賽",如果你想知道決賽的英文,請參考相關字。 小知識: 在兩隊互打的比賽中,當只有八名參賽者時,該比賽稱為「半準決賽」,接下來剩餘四名參賽者為「準決賽」,勝出雙方將在「決賽」或錦標輪相遇而決定冠軍,決賽在某些情況也被稱為「冠軍賽」或「冠亞軍賽」。
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有別於牛仔布給人粗曠的刻板印象,嚴選手感細緻柔軟的法蘭絨,帶出都會女性雅緻的穿著品味。 (請填空)
In contr st to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a delicate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.
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