衝動 的英文怎么说
- A: You know Mandy got a tattoo?
B: Yeah. She does impulsive things like that, and she regrets them later. - When I was hugging her I had the impulse to kiss her, but I didn't do it because I want to take it slow.
- I made the impulsive mistake of gambling and ended up losing a lot of money.
- He is very impulsive and has made many regretful decisions.
- He was jailed for killing someone on an impulse.
- a compulsive shopper
- A: She's drowning. I am going to rescue her.
B: Don't be reckless. You don't know how to swim. - Don't make rash decisions.
[1] impulsive[2] compulsive[3] on impulse[4] impetuous; reckless; rash[5] get mad or angry easily; hotheaded; touchy; cranky; grumpy
[1]指一個人個性上的衝動, [2]指心理症狀所引起的衝動, 是自己無法控制的. [3]指因為衝動而做某件事. [4]常用在勸別人不要不顧後果行事.
impulsive 可說是衝動的最佳的翻譯,例如:
She does impulsive things. = 她做衝動的事情
impulsive 可說是衝動的最佳的翻譯,例如:
She does impulsive things. = 她做衝動的事情
- 當我跟她擁抱時我有股衝動想親吻她, 但我忍住了, 因為我希望能夠細水長流.
- 我只是一時衝動才會犯錯賭博輸大錢.
- 他做事衝動, 以致做出許多後來後悔的決定.
- 他因為一時衝動殺了人而坐牢.
- 無法控制自己的購物者
- 甲: 我要去救她.
乙: 別衝動. - 別做出衝動的決定.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
上下打量的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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抗議的名眾把路上的車子翻過來並點火。 (請填空)
The protesters overtured the cars and set them on fire.
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