覆水難收 的英文怎么说
- A: I failed my final exam. That's sad.
B: Don't cry over spilled milk. You should work harder next time and try not to fail again. - Are you sure you want to sue them? Once we file a lawsuit there's no withdrawing it - You can't unring a bell.
- Your wild accusation against me is a bell that can't be unrung. You'll pay for it dearly.
[1] You can't unring a bell.[2] You can't cry over spilled milk.[3] Don't cry over spilled milk.[4] It's no use crying over spilled milk.[5] There is no use crying over spilled milk
指當事情發生之後, 就沒有轉圜的餘地了, 這些都是正統的美語說法.
Don't cry over spilled milk = There's no use crying over spilled milk = 別為已經無法挽救的局面後悔難過 = 已成定局的事後悔難過也沒用
You can't unring a bell. = 常指公開說出的話或做出的事無法收回,通常都是對某人或某企業造成傷害的話、動作、行為
the accusation is a bell that can't be unrung = 指控對方的話一說出口就收不回來了
Don't cry over spilled milk = There's no use crying over spilled milk = 別為已經無法挽救的局面後悔難過 = 已成定局的事後悔難過也沒用
You can't unring a bell. = 常指公開說出的話或做出的事無法收回,通常都是對某人或某企業造成傷害的話、動作、行為
the accusation is a bell that can't be unrung = 指控對方的話一說出口就收不回來了
甲: 我期末考不及格.
乙: 發生的就發生了, 下次一定要用功點, 不要重蹈覆轍.
乙: 發生的就發生了, 下次一定要用功點, 不要重蹈覆轍.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
盜亦有道的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 放你一馬 f我要發問填空題
這個男孩一歲就會說話,長大後會有無窮的潛力。 (請填空)
Being able to speak at the age of one, the boy has unlimited potentia when he grows up.
下一題 - 酒後肇事