零撲殺 的英文怎麼說
- I understand zero killing of any pets, or zero euthanasia of any pets, is what people are looking for, but it's just not realistic. If they insist on it, they should come down to the animal shelter and start adopting. If they don't then shut up.
- More and more animal shelters are aiming for the no kill policy, but it can't happen without support from the local government and people.
- Taiwan may become one of the countries in Asia to implement the no-kill policy, and thus establish an important milestone in animal protection in Asia.
- After the no-killing policy came into force, animal shelters must adjust their dog-catching mechanisms accordingly.
[1] zero kill[2] no kill[3] no killing[4] zero killing
零撲殺政策 = the no kill policy > the no killing policy > the zero killing policy > the zero kill policy
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