中英物語是個中翻英網站,請多 f分享,有問題隨時 f發問,我必儘快替您中翻英。
請參考 Engoo 線上英文。
The Mandarin Chinese language and the English language are two most spoken languages in the world. Translating Chinese into English isn't always easy. The goal of this website is help Chinese speakers translate some of the MOST complicated Chinese terms into simple English terms!
今日挑戰 - 請中翻英
當隊伍輸兩分時,Jason 不爭氣,未投進三分球而輸了比賽。
今日挑戰 - 解答
When the team was down by two points, Jason missed the three pointer. Jason failed the team.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
站直的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 悶 f我要發問填空題
在台灣,役男如果有正當理由無法當兵,就可選擇服替代役。 (請填空)
In Taiwan, a male adult may request the alternative military service if he cannot do the madatory military service for a valid reason.
下一題 - 抨擊