想知道..連續劇的英文是什麼?中英物語與你分享!很多中英文翻譯很困難,像人瑞,好笑的梗,親和力,計較,辛苦了,加油等。我翻譯了數千條難翻成英文的中文,再也沒有能難倒你們的中英文翻譯。中英物語是個中翻英網站,請多 f分享,有問題隨時 f發問,我必儘快替您中翻英。請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習。The Mandarin Chinese language and the English language are two most spoken languages in the world. Translating Chinese into English isn't always easy. The goal of this website is help Chinese speakers translate some of the MOST complicated Chinese terms into simple English terms!
今日挑戰 - 請中翻英
今日挑戰 - 解答
He threw himself into work.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文選擇題
刨刀的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 五體投地 f我要發問填空題
今晚你想吃甚麼? 我請你。 (請填空)
Let me bu you dinner. What would you like?
下一題 - 都會女性