武俠片常說的「性情中人」的英文怎麼說?你也是個性情中人嗎? 中英物語教你性情中人的標準英文!A: What do you like about him? B: He does not hide his feelings at all. I like that in a man. A: I like a genuine person, too.http://www.ChToEn.com/性情中人的英文怎麼說有中英問題請發問,有問必答- 中英物語 www.ChToEn.com
..by 中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom
請按 留言
Doris Luo 2015-04-26 01:23:26
cute ^^
Michael Wen 2015-04-26 14:30:06
Tell me about it
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
背黑鍋的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 拘泥 f我要發問填空題
反抗服貿的學生佔領立法院並舉行靜坐示威。 (請填空)
Student protesters against the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement have occupied Taiwan's lgislature and are staging a sit-in.
下一題 - 劃開火柴