如果我要形容"成功獲得證照"用and pass obtain a certificate夠貼切嘛?
..by Chang Ten
Charles Wang 2016-03-03 10:36:31
Driving schools in South Korea offer courses to enable applicants to walk away with a licence in a week.
Charles Wang 2016-03-03 10:37:54
These shopping channels are just a licence to print money.
Charles Wang 2016-03-03 12:37:48
Private hospitals can do transplant work if they meet certain criteria and succeed in getting a licence/ license.
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-03-08 13:55:54
成功獲得證照 = get a license,例如: 取得公證人的證照 = get a notary license
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
醬瓜的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 背影 f我要發問填空題
只要把自己奉獻給家人,一切都會回到正軌。 (請填空)
Everything will fall into pace once you are committed to your family.
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