1.送審: (例)產品資料已經給政府審核當中. 2.一些地方: (例)產品A的成分..等等,有一些地方和原先註冊的不同。(在上句中,這些"地方"包含成分、說明、可能還有包裝..等等很多地方. 想一併統整成"一些地方"、"幾處地方")感謝
..by 筱絜謝
Michael Wen 2018-06-13 21:56:42
www.chtoen.com/送審的英文怎麼說There are differences between my current application and my previous one. They include the ingredients, explanations, packaging methods, and so on.
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2018-06-13 21:58:55
www.chtoen.com/送審的英文怎麼說There are differences between my current application and my previous one. They include the ingredients, explanations, packaging methods, and so on.
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2018-06-14 09:58:30
1. www.chtoen.com/送審的英文怎麼說2. There are differences between my current application and my previous one. They include the ingredients, explanations, packaging methods, and so on.3. Your translation has a few problems.
Michael Wen 2018-06-16 13:57:50
1. www.chtoen.com/送審的英文怎麼說2. There are differences between my current application and my previous one.3. I've raised a few problems with the documents.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
轎車的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 洞 f我要發問填空題
我媽在廚房水槽洗碗。 (請填空)
My mother washes dishes in the kitchen snk.
下一題 - 那盒巧克力有多大盒