1.我們的餐館跳電了,所以只收現金無法刷卡!2.你剛剛說我們廁所沒有洗手乳,但我去檢視過了還有8分滿!你可能看錯了3.我目前沒遇到適合的對相,所以沒女友是當然的!4.愈擦愈乾,愈跑愈遠,愈聽愈明白 (這種句型該如何說)5.我不能讓他們知道我跟你們出去Michael這請你解答,謝謝:)
..by 連幾何
Michael Wen 2015-02-23 03:02:26
1. We had a power outage. So we only accept cash.2. You said we didn't have soap in the restroom. I just went and checked. We still have soap.3. I have not met the girl for me. So it is no wonder that I am single.
Michael Wen 2015-02-23 03:03:32
4. 愈跑愈遠 = the more you run, the farther you get.5. I cannot let them know I went out with you.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
裁判退場的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 惹人喜愛 f我要發問填空題
暴風雨來之前大家搶購一空超市的食物跟日常用品。 (請填空)
Before the storm everyone raided supermarkets for food and essential day-o-day supplies.
下一題 - 僵硬