請問 不擅社交, 怕生, 性情中人, 人來瘋, 的英文 謝謝!!
..by Monica Sun
Michael Wen 2015-04-07 14:54:47
不擅社交 = unsociable, introverted, reclusive怕生 = shy性情中人 = sentimental, honest with his/her feelings人來瘋.. 不大了解是什麼意思,請解釋
Monica Sun 2015-04-08 00:46:07
Michael Wen 人來瘋指的是平時文靜內向,人多的時候(即使有陌生人)卻變得活潑好動,或者又歌又舞,或者話特別多。最明顯的是家中的小朋友,平常十分乖巧,可是有時候當有客人到訪時就變了個樣,吵吵鬧鬧,要他們安靜卻有點講不聽,就是人來瘋。
Michael Wen 2015-04-08 12:24:16
Monica Sun謝謝解釋,你可以造個句子嗎? 我直接翻譯句子
Monica Sun 2015-04-08 16:12:15
Michael Wen 不好意思, 我好像找了個大麻煩……她(9歲)因為內向怕生, 所以不擅交朋友, 可是有時候家裡有客人來時, 她又會人來瘋, 又蹦又跳, 很難要她安靜。
Aaron Stone 2015-04-09 15:50:30
Monica Sun maniacal people
Michael Wen 2015-04-11 06:54:03
Monica SunShe used to be shy and unsociable, but when there is a guest in the house, he becomes excited and hyperactive.
Charles Wang 2015-05-11 00:40:19
Michael Wen He acts crazy when there are people around.He likes to be the center of attention when there are people around.
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