您好,另洽詢~1."或許在不久的將來會為了對方與雙方家人的期盼而步入婚姻。"此句該如何翻譯?懇請解惑 感激...
..by Alice NiNi
Charles Wang 2016-03-19 01:06:45
Maybe I'll get hitched in the near future to live up to my better half and both families’ expectations.
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-03-20 14:49:44
I may get married in the near future simply because my girlfriend's family and my family expect me to.
Alice NiNi 2016-03-20 15:20:28
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 另洽詢~"對方"該如何翻譯?感激您...
Alice NiNi 2016-03-20 16:45:30
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom Sorry,另具2疑惑~1."對方"該如何翻譯,英文是否無法直接翻譯?是否若知道對方為女生時為"she",對方為男生時為"he"即可。2."simply because"是否為"僅僅是因為"的意思?懇請解惑 感激您...
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-03-23 09:48:54
Alice NiNi 1. 對方可用 your significant other2. simply because = only because = 僅僅是因為
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腦子一片空白的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 成人之美 f我要發問填空題
男生跟女生開始交往時需要一段磨合期才能決定是否結婚。 (請填空)
When a man and a woman start dating, they need to go through an adjustment priod before they decide to marry each other.
下一題 - 同甘共苦