便當 的英文怎麼說
- A: What did you have for lunch?
B: I had a sushi bento. - A: Do you want to join us for lunch?...
- A: What did you have for lunch?
B: I had a sushi bento. - A: Do you want to join us for lunch?
B: Thanks but I'll pass. I brought my own lunch from home. - I eat home-packed lunch every day.
- I had a bento for lunch today.
- We order bentos for dinner when we work late.
- A: Do you want to join us for lunch?
B: No, I brought a bento box. - Please bring a bag lunch tomorrow. We'll have a picnic at the patio garden.
[1] bento (box)
[2] box lunch
boxed lu
...[1] bento (box)
[2] box lunch
boxed lunch
[3] boxed meal
[4] takeout
[5] a bag lunch
「我自己帶便當」的最簡單正確的英文就是 I bring my own lunch...
「我自己帶便當」的最簡單正確的英文就是 I bring my own lunch (from home). 跟 I bring my own box lunch (from home).
另外,美國的便當通常都是放在紙袋裡,裡面有主食、水果、甜點等,英文叫 bag lunch。
bento 一開始是指日式便當, 現在可以用在任何樣式的外面販賣的便當. I brought my own lunch. 或 I brought my own bento box. 或 I brought a bento. 就代表我中午自己帶便當的意思。
而 I brought my own lunch box. 比較不適合,因為 lunch box 常常指便當盒,雖然外國人會聽的懂你是指便當裡的食物。
bento 可指自己做的便當也可指外面買的便當。
壽司便當 = sushi bento
午餐便當 = lunch = bento lunch = bento lunch box = bento box lunch = box lunch = boxed lunch (較不常用) = bento box for lunch = home-packed lunch = packed lunch (英式說法)
任何時間吃的便當 = bento box
家裡準備的便當 = home-packed meal
外帶或外送的食物,可以是便當的形式也可以是速食 = takeout
基本上,只要有 bento 這個字,box 可加可不加都表示裝了飯菜的便當的意思。
如果別人問你剛吃了什麼你想說「我在餐廳吃了便當」可以說 I had a bento at the restaurant. 也可以詳細說明是什麼樣子的便當.
我每天中午都吃自己帶的便當 = I eat home-packed lunch every day. = I have home-packed lunch every day.
在外面餐廳吃的便當 = I had a bento for lunch today. = I had a bento box for lunch today.
我們晚上叫便當吃 = We order bentos for dinner. = We order bento boxes for dinner.
注意:lunch box 可能指便當盒也可能指便當,但 bento box 可以指便當或便當盒。
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