劈腿 的英文怎麼說
- A: This is Daniel.
B: Wow he's cute. I thought you were dating John. Are you juggling both of these handsome gentleman?
A: No I am not. I am just friends with them. - Andy two-timed his fiancee only two weeks into their engagement.
- That married woman is having an affair with his boss.
- He was dating two women when he met Cindy. Because he liked her so much, he decided to dump them for her.
- A: I started to fall for my lover. What should I do?
B: It's easy. Just keep two-timing your husband.
A: That's terrible. I won't do that. - He likes to play the field, and that's why he's not married yet.
- I found out that he's been cheating on me with his colleague.
- He was weighing his options after learning his girlfriend had been two-timing him.
[1] to juggle two people[2] to two-time somebody[3] to have an affair with a married person[4] to date two men/women; two-timer[5] to date many people; to play the field[6] to cheat on somebody[7] to betray somebody
juggle 是個較詼諧的用法,非常傳神,例如:
Are you juggling both of these handsome gentleman? = 你腳踏兩條船,同時交往這兩個帥哥嗎?
to date two men/women 指同時跟兩名異性交往, two-timer 指腳踏兩條船的人. to date many people 跟 to play the field 指同時跟多名異性交往, play the field 常用在男性身上.
two-timing 指和第三者有較久的關係,一夜情通常不能算 two-timing,但只要有一次一夜情,就是 cheat on 或 betray.
A two-times B = A 對不起 B,因為 A 也跟別人交往,腳踏兩條船,這裡的 B 通常是 A 的固定伴侶
two-timer = 劈腿之人
have an affair = 用在已婚人士上,表示婚外情,用在單身漢上,表示有男朋友或女朋友,所以不一定是劈腿,只有用在已婚人士上才是劈腿
Are you juggling both of these handsome gentleman? = 你腳踏兩條船,同時交往這兩個帥哥嗎?
to date two men/women 指同時跟兩名異性交往, two-timer 指腳踏兩條船的人. to date many people 跟 to play the field 指同時跟多名異性交往, play the field 常用在男性身上.
two-timing 指和第三者有較久的關係,一夜情通常不能算 two-timing,但只要有一次一夜情,就是 cheat on 或 betray.
A two-times B = A 對不起 B,因為 A 也跟別人交往,腳踏兩條船,這裡的 B 通常是 A 的固定伴侶
two-timer = 劈腿之人
have an affair = 用在已婚人士上,表示婚外情,用在單身漢上,表示有男朋友或女朋友,所以不一定是劈腿,只有用在已婚人士上才是劈腿
- 有些男人喜歡腳踏兩條船.
- 他老是喜歡跟一堆異性交往 所以到現在還沒結婚.
- 我發現他劈腿.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
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