厲害 的英文怎么说
- A: Here's how you can solve the string theory.
B: Wow you are so smart! or Wow you are a genius! - She's a talented pianist.
- Donald is an extremely resourceful businessman.
- A: Did you invent this high-tech covert listening device?
B: Yes, I did.
A: Wow, you are a dangerous man. - Your illusion performance was very impressive.
- Fighter A: You look so scrawny. I can beat you with one arm.
Fighter B: You have no idea what I am capable of. or You have no idea whom you are dealing with. - Stocks fell sharply today as the technology sector struggled.
- When the typhoon came it was raining like crazy.
- Did you just take the five-hour Bible study? That's very strong-willed of you!
[1] smart; talented; genius[2] resourceful[3] dangerous[4] impressive; incredible; amazing; remarkable[5] sharply
like crazy[6] strong-willed
like crazy[6] strong-willed
[1]是厲害最普遍的說法,就是形容聰明的意思。resourceful 很貼切, 因為它形容一個人不管在什麼情況下都可以隨機應變. Dangerous 就是指一個人太聰明太厲害到危險的地步, 也可以指罪犯的危險, 要看上下文. [4]都用來形容人或人做的事情的厲害, impressive 很好用. Strong-willed 形容一個人很有毅力,有時候我們說一個人厲害是指他很有毅力。
有時候不用硬翻出厲害這兩個字, 譬如說價格跌得厲害可用 plunge, 而漲得厲害可用 soar.
有時候不用硬翻出厲害這兩個字, 譬如說價格跌得厲害可用 plunge, 而漲得厲害可用 soar.
- 看來不給你點顏色瞧瞧, 你根本不知道我的厲害.
- 連這麼簡單的事情都不會, 你還真厲害.
- 股票跌的很厲害.
- 下雪下得很厲害
- 下雨下得很厲害
- 厲害的生意人
- 甲: 這個超高科技竊聽器是你做的嗎?
乙: 是的.
甲: 哇賽, 你真厲害. - 你的魔術表演真是厲害.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
抵抗力弱的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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男生跟女生開始交往時需要一段磨合期才能決定是否結婚。 (請填空)
When a man and a woman start dating, they need to go through an adjustmnt period before they decide to marry each other.
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