A: His pet phrase is "Don't worry; be happy." B: My pet phrase is "What can go wrong?"
The sta...
A: His pet phrase is "Don't worry; be happy." B: My pet phrase is "What can go wrong?"
The stand-up comedian John developed the tagline, "How's everybody doing?" in his career. Whenever John appears on the stage, people expect him to say "How's everybody doing?"
A: How's work? B: Fine. A: Aha, this is your stock answer. You always answer "Fine" to questions like this. B: That's because it's a boring question.
"Make America great again." is a popular catchphrase used by some of the Presidents of the United States.
pet phrase 指一個人很愛說的話, 也就是他說話時常常不自覺說出來的「口頭禪」,不一定有任何高深的涵義,事實上,通常都是很一般的話,例如 No. 或 You know. 或 Oh well.。
基本上,有 pet 在前的詞就代表喜愛的意思, 譬如說 pet student 就是一個老師最寵愛的學生.
catchphrase 是指廣泛被大眾使用的流行語或口號或座右銘,通常是被媒體啟發的,而且壽命很短,例如 Make America great again. (為美國總統的口頭禪) 或 Is that your final answer? (為美國電視節目 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 的主持人的口頭禪)。後者來說,當此電視節目停播後,大家就漸漸遺忘此口頭禪了。