告白 的英文怎麼說
- A: Why are you so hyper today?
B: I confessed my love to my crush and she agreed to be my girlfriend. - A: My friend Ben told my crush that he likes her.
B: Trust me. He is no competition for you. - A: I confessed my love to Kathy but she turned me down.
B: I am sorry to hear that. Feel better. - A: Have you ever made a love confession to someone you liked and been rejected?
B: Yes I have. When I was in high school I made my friend tell my crush I liked him and he came and told me that he didn't like me at all. I was crushed.
[1] tell somebody I love or like him/her[2] confess one's love to somebody[3] confess one's feelings to somebody[4] (to make) a love confession
a confession of one's love to somebody else
a confession of one's love to somebody else
白話翻譯即可,I told her I like her 就可以清楚的表達告白的意思。
crush 在這裡指暗戀的對象。
crush 在這裡指暗戀的對象。
甲: 他今天跟我喜歡的女生表白. 乙: 相信我, 他根本不是你的對手.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
結婚證書的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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