嚴厲管教 的英文怎麼說
A: Did Jason have all these snacks?
B: Yes. He locked me out and started eating them.
A: I told you not to be slack with him. You gotta be strict with him.
B: What could I have done? I was locked out.
B: Yes. He locked me out and started eating them.
A: I told you not to be slack with him. You gotta be strict with him.
B: What could I have done? I was locked out.
[1] not to be slack with somebody[2] be strict with somebody
not to be slack with somebody = 管教某人不能鬆,例如我出門請你管我兒子別吃零食,我回家後卻看到他在吃零食,就可跟你說 I told you not to be slack with him.
be strict with somebody = 對某人嚴加管教
be strict with somebody = 對某人嚴加管教
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
不告而別的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 紅光滿面 f我要發問填空題
這是一個連環問題: 燃燒石油導致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加導致溫室效應,溫室效應導致冰層融化、海平面上升。 (請填空)
This is a chain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glacier, which leads to rising sea levels.
下一題 - 瀏海