太多心 的英文怎麼說
- A: Last night was fun. What did you think of Cindy?
B: I don't know. I kind of got the sense she didn't like me.
A: You guys just met. I'm sure you're worried about nothing. - Girl: I will always like you.
Guy: "Always" makes it worse. It means you will never be with me.
Girl: No it doesn't. You are overthinking this. You always overthink things. - A: Your sister smiled at me. Do you think she's in love with me?
B: You are imagining things. She smiles at everybody. - A: This problem is so difficult to solve.
B: Don't overthink the problem. Approach it from a simpler perspective. - You worry too much.
- Mom: I cannot reach my son. Is he dead? Or am I getting ahead of myself.
Police: You are getting ahead of yourself. He cannot be reported missing unless he's been missing for over twenty four hours.
[1] imagine[2] overthink[3] worry
worry about nothing[4] get ahead of oneself
worry about nothing[4] get ahead of oneself
worry about nothing 指你的擔心是多心了。overthink 指你分析跟考慮一個問題太過複雜,是「想太多」最棒的英文字。
imagine 指你在憑空幻想的意思, 常有一廂情願的意思.
imagine 指你在憑空幻想的意思, 常有一廂情願的意思.
甲: 你妹妹對我笑ㄟ, 她愛上我了嗎?
乙: 想得美, 她對每個人都笑咪咪的.
乙: 想得美, 她對每個人都笑咪咪的.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
說話直接的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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