school = 泛指任何學校
primary school = elementary school = grade school = 小學
junior high school = middle school = 初中/國中
high school = 高中
college = university = 大學
He's three years my senior in (my) school. (my 可以更確認是同一個學校,但不用也行。)
He's my senior in (my) school.
He is one year ahead of me in college. (常用)
He is one year my senior in college. (常用)
我的大我一年的國中學長正在追我 = A guy who's one year my senior in middle school is pursuing me. = A guy who's one year ahead of me in middle school is pursuing me.
我的大學學長正在追我 = My senior in college is pursuing me.
He is two years ahead of me in school = 他是我學長,大我兩年
He was two years ahead of us = 他比我們大兩屆
另外,We went to the same college. He was a senior. I was a freshman. 就表示他是12年級,我是9九年級。
We went to the same school.
We were in school together.
順道一提,alumni 是指校友,但你不能說 He's my alumni. 可以說 He's a fellow alumni. 或 He's a fellow alumnus. 詳情請猜考
注意,upperclassmen 不指學長或學姊;underclassmen 也不指學弟或學妹。