幕後花絮 的英文怎么说
- Did you see the movie's bloopers at the end? You can see how the special effects were done in the bloopers.
- A: What is a blooper?
B: A blooper is a short sequence of a film, usually a deleted scene, containing a mistake made by a member of the cast or crew. It means a blooper can actually make it to the final cut of a movie. - With the coming of DVD in the 1990s, it became common for major film releases to include a blooper reel (also known as a "gag reel" or simply "outtakes") as bonus material on the DVD disc.
- A popular sitcom, Home Improvement, showcased outtakes over its closing credits.
[1] behind-the-screen[2] deleted scene
outtake[3] blooper[4] closing credits
outtake[3] blooper[4] closing credits
outtake = 指沒有在最終的電影秀出的電影片段,通常都是因為有錯誤而被剪掉,例如演員說錯話或忘詞
deleted scene = 跟 outtake 一樣的意思,是白話的說法,就指被刪除的片段
blooper = 也是含有演員錯誤的電影片段,通常會被剪掉,但也有可能被保留,例如當錯誤剛好很融入電影的情節時,導演就可能留下此片段。blooper 也指收音機會電視(例如新聞)上的人說錯話,通常指很丟臉的錯誤。
closing credits = 片尾的演員列表的跑馬燈,還可以包括贊助商、發行公司、音樂作品、法律免責聲明等
deleted scene = 跟 outtake 一樣的意思,是白話的說法,就指被刪除的片段
blooper = 也是含有演員錯誤的電影片段,通常會被剪掉,但也有可能被保留,例如當錯誤剛好很融入電影的情節時,導演就可能留下此片段。blooper 也指收音機會電視(例如新聞)上的人說錯話,通常指很丟臉的錯誤。
closing credits = 片尾的演員列表的跑馬燈,還可以包括贊助商、發行公司、音樂作品、法律免責聲明等
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
實力的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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她一直撥弄著頭髮展現她的魅力。 (請填空)
To show her charms, she kept runnng her fingers through her hair.
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