攤販 的英文怎麼說
攤販的英文例句 Street vendors are everywhere in Taiwan because it's expensive to rent a physical store. Let's go ... Street vendors are everywhere in Taiwan because it's expensive to rent a physical store. Let's go get some cotton candy from the cotton candy stand. He sells cheap jewelry on the street. The street vendor unfolds a big piece of cloth on the ground and lays out his merchandise on it, getting ready to do business with passersby. Teacher : What do you want to do when you grow up?Student : I want to be a street vendor selling my favorite snacks.As the evening draws near, street vendors prepare their stands and wares at the night market. 讀更多 攤販的相關詞 攤販的同義詞 攤販的英文翻譯 [1] street vendor
[2] street stand
... [1] street vendor
[2] street stand
[3] sell something on the street
攤販的英文翻譯解釋 street vendor 指在路上賣東西的商人,賣任何東西都可以. stree...
street vendor 指在路上賣東西的商人,賣任何東西都可以. street stand 指路邊擺的攤子,可以因為它賣的東西而改前面的字,譬如說美國有個很有名的速食叫做 taco, 賣 taco 的攤子就可以說 taco stand. 當然也可以直接說 sell something on the street.
street vendor 跟 street stand 都是「路邊攤販」的貼切翻譯,而路邊攤的美食可以用 street food 表示,也請參考以下文章:
台灣美食小吃英文翻譯大全 台灣夜市美食小吃英文翻譯大全 讀更多
攤販的部分中譯 路邊攤在台灣到處都是, 因為租店面很貴. 我們去棉花糖攤子買棉花糖吧. 他擺便宜珠寶的地攤.
eTalking 線上英語學習
報答 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
drive; motivation
in return for; return somebody's favor; repay
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在台灣,役男如果有正當理由無法當兵,就可選擇服替代役。 (請填空)
In Taiwan, a male adult may request the alternative military service if he cannot do the mandatory military ser ice for a valid reason.
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