放過 的英文怎麼說
- I heard our new boss is super tough. We'd better do as he says so he'll lay off of us.
- I heard our CEO committed tax fraud. Do you think the IRS will let him off the hook?
- A: Why did you cover up for me? You know I stole his wallet.
B: I am sure you have a good reason for it.
A: Thanks for letting me off the hook. I'll go return his wallet.
[1] to lay off of somebody[2] to let somebody off the hook
放過我們 = to lay off of us = to let us off the hook
放過他 = to lay off of him = to let him off the hook
放過你 = to lay off of you = let you off the hook
放過我 = to lay off of me = let me off the hook
放過我們 = to lay off of us = to let us off the hook
放過他 = to lay off of him = to let him off the hook
放過你 = to lay off of you = let you off the hook
放過我 = to lay off of me = let me off the hook
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
手續費的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 人力派遣公司 f我要發問填空題
不好意思,我來晚了,我在路上耽擱了。 (請填空)
I am sorry that I am late. I got hug up in traffic.
下一題 - 財政部長