有憑有據 的英文怎麼說
Andy: God wants us to work hard and get rich.
Ben: No, you are wrong. God wants us to focus on the spiritual growth because it's all that matters.
Carol: Ben is right. Ben's statement is based on evidence. The evidence is Matthew 6:19.
Ben: No, you are wrong. God wants us to focus on the spiritual growth because it's all that matters.
Carol: Ben is right. Ben's statement is based on evidence. The evidence is Matthew 6:19.
[1] based on evidence[2] well founded
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
考倒我了的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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男生跟女生開始交往時需要一段磨合期才能決定是否結婚。 (請填空)
When a man and a woman start dating, they need to go through an adjustent period before they decide to marry each other.
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