榮幸之至 的英文怎麼說
- A: Thank you so much for your wonderful gift.
B: My pleasure. - A: Thank you so much for everything. You've been extremely helpful.
B: The pleasure is all mine. - It's an honor to meet you, Sir. Please come this way.
- It's an honor to have you here with us today, Mr. President. Dinner is ready. Please follow me this way.
- (At the Nobel Banquet) Nominee: It's such an honor to be invited to speak to you all here today.
[1] My pleasure.[2] The pleasure is all mine.[3] It's an honor to...
我的榮幸/榮幸之至 = My pleasure. = The pleasure is all mine.
honor 也有榮幸的意思,例如:
It's an honor to meet you. = 遇見你是我的榮幸。
It's an honor to be invited here. = 被邀請到這裡是我的榮幸。
honor = 美國英文/美式拼法
honour = 英國英文/英式拼法
我的榮幸/榮幸之至 = My pleasure. = The pleasure is all mine.
honor 也有榮幸的意思,例如:
It's an honor to meet you. = 遇見你是我的榮幸。
It's an honor to be invited here. = 被邀請到這裡是我的榮幸。
honor = 美國英文/美式拼法
honour = 英國英文/英式拼法
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
兄弟姊妹的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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我妹是個恰北北,想對人兇就對人兇。 (請填空)
My sister is bad-tepered and would snap at anybody whenever she feels like it.
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