![白髮老男人 - 釋懷 - 中英物語 ChToEn 白髮老男人 - 釋懷 - 中英物語 ChToEn](/image/白髮老男人.jpg)
釋懷 的英文怎麼說
- I don't know why my girlfriend suddenly dumped me. Whatever. I'll get over it.
- Mom: Do you ever think about what Alice would be like if she was still alive?
Dad: She died years ago. We've moved on, remember? - A: You drew on my face when we were five.
B: After all these years you are still not over it. Here. Draw on my face and get even. - A: I still cannot forget her.
B: I know it's hard, but you gotta let go of a past relationship and move on with your life. - I was devastated when we broke up. Now finally I found closure or Now I am past it.
- Maybe her ex can tell her something that would give her closure.
- Ten years after my dog died, I finally accepted the fact.
- Hopefully the stubborn suspect will see the light and confess what he did.
- My school dropout son finally came to his senses and decided to go back to school.
- My ex called and complained about our past relationship, which is something I've already put to bed.
[1] get over it[2] move on[3] over it[4] let go (of something)[5] find closure
give closure
past it[6] accept something[7] see the light[8] I got it.[9] come to one's senses[10] to put something to bed
give closure
past it[6] accept something[7] see the light[8] I got it.[9] come to one's senses[10] to put something to bed
當一個大事情發生時你因為情緒的關係無法接受這個事實, 後來才慢慢接受, 就代表你想開了. move on 可說是最簡單也最貼切的說法,例如:
She died years ago. We've moved on, remember?
另外,get over it 也很好用,例如:
Whatever. I'll get over it. = 算了,我會釋懷/看開/想通/放下的
over it 也很好用,例如:
After all these years you are still not over it. = 過了這麼多年,你還是對此事無法釋懷
I am over it. = 我(對某事)已經放下了
I am over you. = 我對你已經釋懷、沒有感覺了 (常用在情侶分手後)
而 find/give closure 是很普遍的說法, 常用在感情問題或重大的失去上,例如男女分手後女生很傷心,一蹶不振,但後來 find closure,就表示釋懷或看開了,就不再為此事不開心了。
let go 也很常用,例如: 把某事忘記跟放下 = let it go
釋懷過去的愛情 = let go of a past relationship
he came to his senses = 他恢復理性,醒悟過來的意思
to put it to bed = 把某事放下或釋懷了,例如過去的戀情
She died years ago. We've moved on, remember?
另外,get over it 也很好用,例如:
Whatever. I'll get over it. = 算了,我會釋懷/看開/想通/放下的
over it 也很好用,例如:
After all these years you are still not over it. = 過了這麼多年,你還是對此事無法釋懷
I am over it. = 我(對某事)已經放下了
I am over you. = 我對你已經釋懷、沒有感覺了 (常用在情侶分手後)
而 find/give closure 是很普遍的說法, 常用在感情問題或重大的失去上,例如男女分手後女生很傷心,一蹶不振,但後來 find closure,就表示釋懷或看開了,就不再為此事不開心了。
let go 也很常用,例如: 把某事忘記跟放下 = let it go
釋懷過去的愛情 = let go of a past relationship
he came to his senses = 他恢復理性,醒悟過來的意思
to put it to bed = 把某事放下或釋懷了,例如過去的戀情
- 我剛剛跟他分手時的確很傷心, 不過現在我想通了.
- 我的狗兒去世之後一年, 我總算釋懷了.
- 希望嫌犯看開點承認自己做的壞事.
- 我那頑固的輟學生兒子總算想通了, 又回到學校念書
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
夕陽產業的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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男生跟女生開始交往時需要一段磨合期才能決定是否結婚。 (請填空)
When a man and a woman start dating, they need to go through an adjustmnt period before they decide to marry each other.
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