白甚麼 的英文怎么说
- A (out of breath): It turned out my bag is in the car. I walked up three flights of stairs for nothing.
B: You are wrong. That's good exercise. - A: I am so tired from all the work I did today.
B: Your labor is not in vain. - After I bought an umbrella it stopped raining. What a waste of money.
- The supermarket was closed when I got there. I wasted the trip.
- I told my little brother to go to bed earlier but he still wouldn't listen. What a waste of effort.
- All the work I've put into this project has been all for nothing because my boss is shutting it down.
- All the work I've put into this project has been wasted because my boss is shutting it down.
- I put my brother through medical school, and today he is a famous doctor. The money I spent on him was totally worth it.
- My attempt to convince my sister to divorce her abusive husband is futile; she loves him too much to leave him.
- I thought coffee would help me stay awake but it didn't. So it turns out I drank coffee for no benefits.
[1] a waste (of something)
waste[2] ... (all) for nothing[3] futile[4] in vain
waste[2] ... (all) for nothing[3] futile[4] in vain
用在白做, 白跑一趟, 白買, 白費等. 就是浪費掉的意思,for nothing 可說是最普遍最簡單的翻譯。
futile 指無效的, 常用來形容努力或嘗試無效. 基本上 waste 可用在很多情況, 譬如白買可說 "It's a waste", 白跑一趟可說 "I wasted this trip". "X is for nothing" 表示白做 X, "This is all for nothing" 指「這一切的努力都白費了」
in vain 也很好用,例如:
你付出的努力不是白費 = Your labor is not in vain.
futile 指無效的, 常用來形容努力或嘗試無效. 基本上 waste 可用在很多情況, 譬如白買可說 "It's a waste", 白跑一趟可說 "I wasted this trip". "X is for nothing" 表示白做 X, "This is all for nothing" 指「這一切的努力都白費了」
in vain 也很好用,例如:
你付出的努力不是白費 = Your labor is not in vain.
- 我買了雨傘後就不下雨了, 真是白買了.
- 我到超級市場時它竟然關門了, 害我白跑了一趟.
- 我跟弟弟說晚上早點睡覺他還是不聽, 真是白費力氣.
- 我老闆要把這個案子停止, 讓我放進的努力都白費了.
- 我供應弟弟唸醫學院, 如今他成了名醫, 我為他的付出沒有白費.
- 我勸妹妹跟虐待她的先生離婚, 但勸說無效, 她太愛他了.
- 我以為咖啡會讓我清醒可是並沒有, 我白喝了咖啡
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
酷的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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