看不起 的英文怎么说
- Girl: Why didn't you tell me you wash dishes for a living?
Guy: I didn't want you to think less of me and leave me.
Girl: Silly boy. I'd love you all the same. - He became the laughingstock of the class after he got caught watching p-o-r-n in class.
- What? You want to marry your teacher? You'll be [laughed by or the laughingstock of] everyone.
- Many people look down on beggars.
- I despise him for the way he treats his little sister.
- Are you able to live with disrespect from everyone?
- He thinks little of me.
[1] be laughed by[2] the laughingstock of[3] (verb) look down on
think less of somebody
think little of somebody[4] (noun) disrespect
think less of somebody
think little of somebody[4] (noun) disrespect
這類的詞相當多, 以上列出幾個常用的作為參考. think less of somebody 非常好用,常用在之前你很看重我,所以我怕你知道了關於我的某事後,開始看輕我或看扁我,例如:
I don't want you to know I am an orphan because I don't want you to think less of me.
這句話暗示我在你的心中地位很高,所以我怕讓你知道我是孤兒,你就會看不起我了,也就是說,我在你心中的地位降低了一點。所以 think less 的鄙視的程度比較低。
He thinks little of me. = 他覺得我很沒出息
而 the laughingstock of 後面通常加地方, 譬如說班級或公司.
despise 口氣較強烈. disrespect 可當名詞用.
I don't want you to know I am an orphan because I don't want you to think less of me.
這句話暗示我在你的心中地位很高,所以我怕讓你知道我是孤兒,你就會看不起我了,也就是說,我在你心中的地位降低了一點。所以 think less 的鄙視的程度比較低。
He thinks little of me. = 他覺得我很沒出息
而 the laughingstock of 後面通常加地方, 譬如說班級或公司.
despise 口氣較強烈. disrespect 可當名詞用.
- 在一個班級裡被瞧不起的人
- 什麼? 你想跟你的老師結婚? 你會讓每個人都瞧不起你.
- 很多人瞧不起乞丐.
- 我看到他這樣對自己的妹妹, 就很看不起他.
- 你有辦法忍受大家瞧不起你嗎?
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
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