耍嘴皮子 的英文怎麼說
Mom: Why did you get a bad score on the math exam?
Son: It's because you and dad took me out to dinner yesterday. That's why I didn't have enough time to study.
Mom: You always try to argue your way out or You always try to talk your way out. You should admit your mistakes and remember to not make them again in the future.
Son: It's because you and dad took me out to dinner yesterday. That's why I didn't have enough time to study.
Mom: You always try to argue your way out or You always try to talk your way out. You should admit your mistakes and remember to not make them again in the future.
[1] argue your way out[2] talk your way out
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
公筷的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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The company's CEO embezzled and drained all the company's money. What a despicable owlife.
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