挑釁 的英文怎么说
- The gangster is taunting a passer-by with provocative gestures.
- A: You are an asshole.
B: Stop taunting me. - A: You are so ugly.
B: Are you trying to pick a fight with me?
A: No, I am not.
B: Then why do you say something provocative? - I know I was involved in a fight, but I didn't instigate it.
- If we learn not to speak provocatively, we will avoid many unnecessary conflicts.
- I am sorry that I hit him, but he provoked me into doing it by swearing at me.
- Police: Hands up. Don't worry. As long as you don't do anything hostile we won't open fire.
Suspect: My hands are up. Please don't shoot me. - The small dog is often seen taunting the big one.
[1] (verb)
taunt[2] antagonize
pick a fight; instigate a fight
provoke; irritate; annoy[3] (adjective) provocative
taunt[2] antagonize
pick a fight; instigate a fight
provoke; irritate; annoy[3] (adjective) provocative
taunt 跟 provoke 可說是最適合的字.
例如A想跟B打架,A做出「來呀」的手勢,就是 taunt。
pick a fight 較口語話, instigate a fight 較正式.
The small dog is often seen taunting the big one. = 小狗常常被看見挑釁大狗。
例如A想跟B打架,A做出「來呀」的手勢,就是 taunt。
pick a fight 較口語話, instigate a fight 較正式.
The small dog is often seen taunting the big one. = 小狗常常被看見挑釁大狗。
- 一個流氓在對一個路人做出挑釁的手勢.
- 甲: 你是個渾蛋.
乙: 別挑釁我. - 甲: 你長的好醜.
乙: 你是在挑釁我嗎?
甲: 我沒有.
乙: 那你為什麼說這麼欠揍的話? - 我知道打架有我的份, 不過不是我挑釁的.
- 如果我們學著不要說話太衝, 那就可以避免很多不必要的紛爭.
- 我打他我道歉, 但是是他挑釁的.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
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