放無薪假 的英文怎麼說
- A: What should you do if you're put on unpaid leave over Coronavirus?
B: Get my shit together and live my life to the fullest. - Employees are being forced to take time off without pay because of the pandemic.
- Due to the outbreak of the virus, the company furloughed all of its employees for two months.
- If you are furloughed due to COVID-19, you can file for unemployment and get unemployment benefits.
[1] to furlough[2] to be put on unpaid leave
to be put on furlough
to be put on furlough
furlough = 讓員工或強迫員工暫時離開工作,沒有薪水,但只是暫時
用法: 公司 furlough 員工
to be put on unpaid leave = to be put on furlough = 放無薪假
用法: 公司 furlough 員工
to be put on unpaid leave = to be put on furlough = 放無薪假
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
好心沒好報的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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在台灣,役男如果有正當理由無法當兵,就可選擇服替代役。 (請填空)
In Taiwan, a male adult may request the aternative military service if he cannot do the mandatory military service for a valid reason.
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