退步 的英文怎麼說
- My English has gotten worse ever since I moved back to Japan from the U.S.
- What's wrong with you? Your grades have been getting worse recently.
- The patient's condition worsened.
- My son's academic performance has been slipping ever since he started dating.
- Chef (in cooking competition): Your dish looks like it has been eaten by someone already. What happened to you? You look like you have gone backwards on your dishes.
- A: The U.S. economy has gone backwards since 2008.
B: Taiwan's economy has gone backwards since 1990. - A: How's his rehab going?
B: He's actually gone backwards in his progress. I am afraid he'll never fully recover.
[1] get worse
become worse[2] worsen[3] slip[4] go backwards
become worse[2] worsen[3] slip[4] go backwards
語言的退步常常用 get worse,而其他的東西如經濟、廚藝、或復健就可以用 go backwards。
slip 常用在績效或成績,例如:
Your grades are slipping. = 你的成績正在退步中。
事實上,任何情況都能用 get worse 跟 go backwards,而 go backwards 是非常普遍的英文。
slip 常用在績效或成績,例如:
Your grades are slipping. = 你的成績正在退步中。
事實上,任何情況都能用 get worse 跟 go backwards,而 go backwards 是非常普遍的英文。
你怎麼了? 為什麼成績最近在退步
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
塞住的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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When I was having a nose surgery I was put under local anesthesa.
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