你跟我一樣有「失眠」的困擾嗎?想知道「失眠」的英文怎麼說嗎?中英物語考你!1. Last night I could ___ sleep because I kept thinking about my family. 2. People with ins__nia have difficulty falling asleep. If the problem is serious, the person should see a doctor immediately.http://www.chtoen.com/失眠的英文怎麼說有中英問題請發問,有問必答- 中英物語 www.ChToEn.com
..by 中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom
請按 留言
Huei-hsin Cheng 2015-01-24 18:07:29
Huei-hsin Cheng 2015-01-24 18:08:17
王麗麗 2015-01-24 18:36:12
Huei-hsin Cheng 2015-01-24 18:38:08
Michael Wen 2015-01-24 22:45:33
感謝 Amelia 的分享:)
Ali Wu 2015-01-25 07:39:46
Can I say : I cannot fall asleep because I have insomnia.
彥廷林 2015-01-25 10:34:42
Yap, I get insomnia problem and fall asleep for a long time.
Michael Wen 2015-01-25 20:51:27
Ali WU Of course you can!
Michael Wen 2015-01-25 20:52:12
But you can easily say "I cannot sleep because I have sleep problems"
Michael Wen 2015-01-25 20:53:22
彥廷林 Thanks for your input. We usually just say "I have insomnia" though.
Ali Wu 2015-01-25 21:00:33
Haha I knew it, just speaking nonsense.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
做作的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 原來如此 f我要發問填空題
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Mr. Smith has been swrn in as Africa's new Minister of Finance.
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