【中英物語】大家知道「不敢」的標準英文嗎? 以下的英文句子文法都正確,但哪一句才是老美最普遍的用法?【1】He wouldn't dare lie to his parents.【2】He doesn't dare lie to his parents.【3】He dare not lie to his parents.答案是1, 2, 還是3呢?有中英問題請發問,有問必答- 中英物語 www.ChToEn.com
..by 中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom
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Jerry Hsu 2016-12-02 19:09:04
Doe JohnHuang 2016-12-02 19:18:47
Chen Julody 2016-12-02 19:27:41
Sharon Kuo 2016-12-02 19:44:01
許凱翔 2016-12-02 20:02:57
Zen-Ming Kuo 2016-12-02 20:46:59
Milk Chia 2016-12-02 23:01:15
Wang Ching-Huan 2016-12-02 23:49:10
2, 3 都可以吧?
吳美嬋 2016-12-03 00:22:13
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-12-03 17:18:30
"He wouldn't dare lie to his parents." is the correct answer and is the most common way to say "他不敢對父母說謊".
Zen-Ming Kuo 2016-12-03 17:25:39
我不認同版主所說的答案, dare 本身可以是 Auxiliary verb 或是 modal verb, 選項3的答案應該是正確的, 請版主參考一下dare 的文法用法, 如果要用 wouldn't dare 或是 didn't dare 的話, 正確來說, 要用 wouldn't dare “to” lie to... 或是didn't dare “to“ lie to... (但好像有英文專家說那個 to 是可以省略的)
Stacy Lam 2016-12-03 17:42:37
He wouldn't dare to lie his parents1
Stacy Lam 2016-12-03 17:55:11
不好意思,我上網查答案是1,只是是dare to lie,而不是dare lie to,可以他不小心打錯
Zen-Ming Kuo 2016-12-03 17:57:59
請查 dare 當做 “助動詞“ 的用法如何用, 您就會懂我為何堅持3才是正解
Wilbert Tsai 2016-12-03 19:37:34
Zen-Ming Kuo 2016-12-04 00:43:01
As a modal verb dare has two forms: dare for the present and dared for the past. It is used mostly in interrogative and negative sentences. 'Dare' means 'to have the courage to do something'. In negative sentences it denotes lack of courage to do something.Examples: She dare not open her mouth. (She hasn’t got the courage.) Dare he tell them what he knows? (Is he brave enough to tell them?)
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-12-04 15:04:32
"他不敢對父母說謊" 是用現在簡單式,所以以下的答案都正確:1. He wouldn't dare lie to his parents. (這種用法常用在否定句,是這三種說法中最普遍的)2. He does not dare lie to his parents. (dare 當成一般動詞使用,雖文法對,卻不普遍)3. He dare not lie to his parents. (dare 當成助動詞使用,比2普遍)為什麼當 dare 當一般動詞時,dare 跟後面的動詞中間不必加 to? 這就跟 go watch a movie 裡面的 go 或 help prevent an accident 裡面的 help 是同樣的情況。
Zen-Ming Kuo 2016-12-04 16:23:23
這樣解釋我就認同了, 因為後來我有查了一下, dare 後面所接的動詞, "不一定" 要用 to 來分開, 所以三者答案都對, 只是看普遍用法如何而已, 只是以我來說, 我比較常用的說法是直接用dare not + V
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