你好, 請問下面句子該如何表達:「那天我去拍攝足球比賽的照片,我看到亨利,我真的不想替他拍照,因為他的女朋友曾經傳訊息質疑我跟亨利,但我們什麼都沒有,我想說的是,我只想對亨利女友說:妳搞不清楚狀況就懷疑你男友身邊的異性,真心覺得妳很蠢。」請問可以幫忙這段嗎。
..by Wen Guan
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-05-07 13:18:14
The other day when I was taking photos for a soccer game, I saw Henry. I didn't want to take his photos because his girlfriend once suspected me of dating him when I wasn't. I want to tell Henry's girlfriend these words: You were suspecting something that never happened. How stupid you are.
Wen Guan 2016-05-08 06:33:20
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom thank you
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
掛號信的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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He is lazy and has never worked. He is a failue.
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