Hello, I am wondering how to say "一個沒有危機意識的人,將是他最大的危機。" in English? Can we say The one without conscious awareness may be in the vital crisis.
..by Eugene Huang
Michael Wen 2015-02-21 09:33:08
一個沒有危機意識的人,將是他最大的危機。A person without the awareness of crisis is in crisis.
Eugene Huang 2015-02-21 12:15:19
Michael Wen I appreciate sincerely that you made this website. This is Taiwanese students seldom learned from our class. May I ask you further questions?How to say 想要功成名就?And what is the difference among the following words?職業 事業 志業 occupation work career vocation
Michael Wen 2015-02-23 02:55:53
Eugene Huang 想要功成名就 = want to be successful occupation = 職業work = 可指職業也可指工作career = 長期甚至一生的職業vocation = 職業,但比較少用
Aaron Stone 2015-02-26 01:39:58
Michael Wen 還有一個Profession
Michael Wen 2015-02-26 16:16:58
Aaron Stone Profession 也指職業,較正式的英文
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