Hello! I'm looking for the translation for this Chinese idiom「願賭服輸」. I've looked it up and found "If it's laid, it's played", but I wondered if there's another way to translate it? Thank you.
..by Jie-Yun Ling
Charles Wang 2015-05-14 01:22:59
Don't be a sore loser (after losing a bet/ competition/ contest/ game/ match/ race/ seat).
Jie-Yun Ling 2015-05-14 01:52:20
Charles Wang But what if it is said by the loser, to show he himself is someone able to admit his failure?
Charles Wang 2015-05-14 04:09:21
Jie-Yun Ling For such a guy I would say: he’s a good loser. I’m all ears to what Michael is going to say.
Michael Wen 2015-05-16 04:17:17
Charles Wang 那就是風度的意思,請參考 chtoen.com/風度的英文怎麼說
Michael Wen 2015-05-16 04:17:33
Charles Wang 一個願賭服輸的人 = a gracious loser
Michael Wen 2015-05-16 09:28:49
Charles Wang "a good loser" works too, but the word "good" can have many meanings; so it's better to be specific and say "a gracious loser" :)
Charles Wang 2015-05-18 02:46:13
Michael Wen Thanks a million!
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