What does it mean to peel something?
..by Paul Yuan
Charles Wang 2016-02-16 02:28:12
1. peel something away (from something)to peel something from the surface of something.Peel the label away from the envelope and place it on the order form.Peel away the label carefully.2. peel something back (from something)to lift something away from the surface of something.He peeled the sheets back from the bed and got in.He peeled back the sheets and got into the bed.3. peel something off (of) (something) and peel something off (from something)to remove the outside surface layer from something. (“Of” is usually retained before pronouns.)She carefully peeled the skin off the apple.She peeled off the apple's skin.
Michael Wen 2016-02-16 12:07:21
peel 最常用在剝皮,例如 peel an apple
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