..by 洪易成
洪易成 2015-05-21 11:43:13
Jason Tiew 2015-05-21 16:02:49
洪易成 畢業紀念冊 = Yearbook成果發表會 = Evaluation Day 路痴 = Person with poor sense of direction電腦白癡 = Computer Illiterate
Charles Wang 2015-05-22 15:32:46
Jason Tiew Please allow me to be a Monday morning quarterback:1. Taking a glance at a yearbook would usually bring back to our mind the good old days at school.2. The R&D Division is scheduled to give Sales Representatives a wrap-up presentation in an effort to familiarize them with newly launched products.3. A driver having a very poor sense of direction might feel extremely unsure about the way to a destination off the beaten path/ track without a backseat driver/ GPS to guide him through the route.4. In the age of information explosion, a computer illiterate might feel out of touch with the world.
洪易成 2015-05-23 00:50:33
Charles Wang could you tell me what " Monday-morning quarterback"is.?
洪易成 2015-05-23 00:51:05
感覺成果發表會 有很多講法??
Charles Wang 2015-05-23 01:32:53
洪易成Professional football games in the United States are often played on Sundays.A Monday morning quarterback (事後諸葛亮; 放馬後炮的人) is someone (Charles) who says how an event or problem (your question) should have been dealt with, after other people (Jason) have already dealt with it.
Charles Wang 2015-05-23 02:46:54
洪易成 To get the picture of how a recommended IC would perform beforehand, R&D engineers would normally ask the IC vendor for a demonstration board to evaluate the feasibility of employing the IC just like car buyers would normally request a test drive from a car dealer to understand the performance of the recommended car.
Michael Wen 2015-05-23 06:44:37
感謝Charles 的回答,成果發表會要看你用在哪,如果是學校的課的報告成果發表會,我們通常說 a presentation of the final project
洪易成 2015-05-23 06:53:19
Michael Wen 那如果是社團的呢
Michael Wen 2015-05-23 13:47:22
洪易成 There will be a presentation of everyone's work at the social club.
Michael Wen 2015-05-23 13:57:56
Charles Wang Thank you for your elabroate reply!
洪易成 2015-05-23 14:30:40
Charles Wang 2015-05-25 11:57:41
Michael,Could the following two sentences do the trick?1. The paparazzi deliberately stalk celebrities and pry into their private lives.2. Don’t be slow off the mark and sign up for it by the deadline.
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