除了用"escape from reality"來表示逃避現實,還有什麼其他的expression?偷拍的英文是否可以用"sneak a shot"和"secret photography"?另外,在“很閃”條目裡的英文片語是否也可用以表達“曬恩愛“的意思?“很閃”這詞並不是在大中華地區皆通用
..by Fung Yip
Charles Wang 2015-08-08 13:11:18
Stop burying your head in the sand. Look at the statistics on smoking and cancer.
Charles Wang 2015-08-08 13:14:48
It's a legal requirement, so you can't take sneaky photos of people.
Michael Wen 2015-08-15 11:49:25
You are fooling yourself. 表示自欺欺人,也有逃避現實的意思
Michael Wen 2015-08-15 11:51:55
偷拍 = sneak a photo 或 take a sneaky photo
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
生活語錄的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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