一撮頭髮 的英文怎么说
- A: I found a clump of hair at the crime scene, and it's all gunky too.
B: Is it blood? - A: My baby girl just turned two. She has bottom teeth and a sprig of hair.
B: She's adorable. - A: Look. A sprig of my hair is askew. I gotta fix it.
B: No need. It looks great on you. Keep it this way.
[1] a clump of hair[2] a sprig of hair[3] a lock of hair
a clump of hair = 通常指剪下來的一撮頭髮或在地上找到的一綹頭髮
a sprig of hair = 頭上的一撮頭髮
a lock of hair = 通常指剪下來的一撮頭髮
(referring to the clump of hair) it's all gunky = (一撮頭髮)全部黏在一起
a sprig of hair = 頭上的一撮頭髮
a lock of hair = 通常指剪下來的一撮頭髮
(referring to the clump of hair) it's all gunky = (一撮頭髮)全部黏在一起
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
騎樓的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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