任我擺布 的英文怎麼說
- Mr. Smith (school principal): Are you a good teacher? Our kids are quite naughty.
Cindy: Yes I am. I'll have the kids eating out of my hand in no time. I got tricks up my sleeve. - Car dealership manager: Are you sure you got this?
Hot sales rep: Yes, I am going to have all these customers eating out of the palm of my hand. - Once the mistress was able to blackmail David, he was at her mercy.
[1] have somebody eating out of my hand
have somebody eating out of the palm of my hand[2] make somebody do or think what I want[3] at one's mercy
have somebody eating out of the palm of my hand[2] make somebody do or think what I want[3] at one's mercy
A have B eating out of A's hand = A have B eating out of the palm of A's hand = B任A擺布 = A抓住B的心 = B被A牽著鼻子走 = A牽B的鼻子走 = A使B百依百順 = B對A百依百順 = A將B治服 = A將B治得服服貼貼 = B對A言聽計從
白話翻譯,就是: B太崇拜或喜歡A,以致B願意做所有A要B做的事情
he was at her mercy = 他被她控制了 = 他由她任意擺布 = 他做事得看她的臉色
白話翻譯,就是: B太崇拜或喜歡A,以致B願意做所有A要B做的事情
he was at her mercy = 他被她控制了 = 他由她任意擺布 = 他做事得看她的臉色
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
誠實的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 聯想 f我要發問填空題
這公司的執行長掏空了公司所有的錢,真是個卑鄙無恥之徒。 (請填空)
The company's CEO embezzled and drained all the company's money. What a despicabe lowlife.
下一題 - 出色