可憐 的英文怎么说
- Many home owners were in a miserable condition when the subprime mortgage crisis hit them.
- Sometimes I feel that adults deserve sympathy because their parents are no longer with them. That's why when my parents are still with me, I want to spend as much time with them as possible.
- Young students nowadays are under a lot of stress academically and barely have time to sleep.
- The widow is miserable living alone.
- The miserable victims of the war have no place to stay.
- You seem to think your life is the most pitiful, but you are wrong - at least you have a roof over your head.
- The refugees have pitiful stories to tell. Let's be kind to them.
[1] miserable; pathetic; poor[2] deserve sympathy[3] under stress
in trouble
etc.[4] pitiful
in trouble
etc.[4] pitiful
[1]指可憐或悲慘的人或動物, 但有時候我們說可憐不代表他真的可憐, 如例句顯示, 那時就可以用[2]. 有時代表很多壓力或處於困境, 就可以自由翻譯, 如[3].
miserable 常用在人或動物,也就是有生命的東西,例如:
a miserable widow = 可憐的寡婦
pitiful 常用在物,較不常用在人,例如:
a pitiful life = 悲慘的生活或人生
miserable 常用在人或動物,也就是有生命的東西,例如:
a miserable widow = 可憐的寡婦
pitiful 常用在物,較不常用在人,例如:
a pitiful life = 悲慘的生活或人生
- 當次級房貸風暴發生時許多屋主的處境很可憐.
- 有時候我感到大人很可憐, 因為他們父母都不在了, 所以趁我父母還在時我會常常跟他們相處.
- 現在很多年輕學子很可憐, 課業壓力大而睡的很少.
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復健的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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