怜牙俐齒 的英文怎麼說
- Andy: How did you get Cindy to agree to come with us on the trip? I asked her yesterday but she said no.
Ben: I told her we would have lots of fun and she agreed to come.
Andy: You are so smooth. - Last night at dinner my friend said something to ease the awkward situation of someone throwing a fit. He really has a way with words.
- I tried to comfort the widow but she cried even harder. I guess I am not as smooth as I hoped.
- The glib liar can make people believe any lie he makes up.
- If you are silver-tongued, you can persuade your boss to give you a raise amid this pandemic.
- She always has a silver tongue when it comes to talking to the constituents.
[1] smooth[2] has a way with words[3] glib[4] be silver-tongued
to have a silver tongue
to have a silver tongue
形容一個人在不同的情況下都說出相當貼切的話. smooth 很好用, 形容一個人很會說話, 讓別人如沐春風, 或形容很會說服別人. glib 形容口才非常好. has a way with words 也有這些意思.
silver tongue = 口才好,會雄辯的,容易說服別人
silver tongue = 口才好,會雄辯的,容易說服別人
- 昨晚吃飯時有個人突然惱羞成怒, 後來我的朋友說了些話讓情況緩和許多, 他確實很會說話.
- 我試著安撫那名寡婦卻讓她越哭越厲害, 看來我沒那麼會說話.
- 一個口才好的騙子
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
感覺的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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In contrast to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a delicate, soft texture. Flanne brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.
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