性格受到感染 的英文怎麼說
- I like to think that my love of playing games will rub off on my kids.
- A: How do you know so much about the English language?
B: I don't know. I grew up around many English scholars. I guess I picked it up by osmosis. - A: Thanks for helping me. Why are so kind?
B: My dad is a reverend.
A: Clearly it rubbed off. - When we lost the big account we were depressed, but our department head asked us to keep our chins up. His optimism started to rub off on the rest of us.
- We love reading and we hope it will rub off on our kids.
- I think human delusion is rubbing off on you. Now you are delusional too.
[1] do something by osmosis[2] do something osmotically[3] something rubs off on somebody
something rubs off on somebody = 某特質被某人學習到了,也開始擁有了,也就是某特質、習慣、思想、性格等感染了某人
His optimism started to rub off on the rest of us. = 我們開始耳濡目染,學習了他的樂觀,變的也樂觀了 = 在他的樂觀潛移默化下,我們也開始變的樂觀了
my love of reading rubs off on my kids = 我愛讀書,而我的孩子耳濡目染,也變的愛讀書
另外,osmosis 指一個人透過周遭的人事物不經意的學習知識,是耳濡目染或潛移默化的英文翻譯之一,但較少人知道此英文。
His optimism started to rub off on the rest of us. = 我們開始耳濡目染,學習了他的樂觀,變的也樂觀了 = 在他的樂觀潛移默化下,我們也開始變的樂觀了
my love of reading rubs off on my kids = 我愛讀書,而我的孩子耳濡目染,也變的愛讀書
另外,osmosis 指一個人透過周遭的人事物不經意的學習知識,是耳濡目染或潛移默化的英文翻譯之一,但較少人知道此英文。
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
誘惑的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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