另有企圖 的英文怎麼說
- A: My cheapskate boss bought me coffee today.
B: He must be up to something. You'd better be careful.
A: I know. - She always speaks her mind. She doesn't like to play mind games.
- A: I know he has helped you when you were in trouble, but I think he has ulterior motives.
B: You are right. He tried to borrow money from me yesterday. - A: Our maid was looking through the drawers in the study. I feel that she has a hidden agenda.
B: I feel the same way. Let's go confront her.
[1] be up to something[2] plan something bad[3] to have bad plans[4] play mind games[5] has ulterior motives[6] has a hidden agenda
He must be up to something. 有點像「無事獻殷勤,非奸及盜」的意思,表示此人有不好的計畫。
play mind games 可說是「耍心機」與「玩心機」的貼切翻譯,指人與人之間玩心理遊戲,例如男女之間的愛情遊戲。
ulterior 就是別有用心的意思, 通常是負面的意思但不致於到邪惡的目的. 如果只是有別的目的, 就說 has other motives 就可以了.
agenda 原意為意圖,前面加上 hidden 就變成「不明意圖」的意思,通常為不好的意圖,才會這樣偷偷摸摸的。
play mind games 可說是「耍心機」與「玩心機」的貼切翻譯,指人與人之間玩心理遊戲,例如男女之間的愛情遊戲。
ulterior 就是別有用心的意思, 通常是負面的意思但不致於到邪惡的目的. 如果只是有別的目的, 就說 has other motives 就可以了.
agenda 原意為意圖,前面加上 hidden 就變成「不明意圖」的意思,通常為不好的意圖,才會這樣偷偷摸摸的。
那個人雖然幫助了你, 我還是認為他別有用心.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
髮型的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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