您好,請問一下英文裡「複習」跟「檢討」是否都是review這個字呢?假如是,請問應該怎麼表達下面這句:考試前我會先幫大家複習,考完試後會再檢討(錯誤)。(是review the lesson跟review the mistakes嗎?)謝謝!
..by Kenny Chang
Michael Wen 2019-06-09 20:33:32
Before the exam I help everyone study for it, and I help them review the mistakes they make on the exam when the grades come out.
Kenny Chang 2019-06-10 01:04:07
Michael Wen 所以是因為句子裡同時有兩種意思所以才這樣翻嗎?假如我拿掉第二句,變成「考試前我會先幫大家複習」,可以講Before the exam, I will help everyone "review" it 嗎?
Michael Wen 2019-06-12 13:15:13
Kenny Chang「複習」常常用 study 或 prepare, as in "study for an exam" and "prepare for a test".
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
豬窩的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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