We extend the art utensil for all the students.( 這句extend有用對嗎 )I am bound up in playing tennis . ( 這句bound up in有用對嗎 )ins and outs 可否當 秘訣 竅門 的意思
..by 賴韋翰
Michael Wen 2014-06-01 05:37:43
We extend the art utensil for all the students. 不懂意思,請問你想表達甚麼意思?
Michael Wen 2014-06-01 05:39:04
I am bound up in playing tennis. 應該說 My life is bound up in tennis.
Michael Wen 2014-06-01 05:40:16
ins and outs 的確可當成秘訣,如 I am still learning the ins and outs of the in-vehicle entertainment business.
賴韋翰 2014-06-01 23:33:34
extend 不是有 提供 的意思? ( 我們提供美勞用具給所有學生 )
賴韋翰 2014-06-01 23:34:22
bound up in 不是 熱衷於⋯ 的意思嗎
Michael Wen 2014-06-02 05:00:22
賴韋翰 "提供"用 provide 比較好,如 We provide art tools to the students.
Michael Wen 2014-06-02 05:03:23
賴韋翰 "bound up in" 不常用,你如果想表達 "熱衷" 就說 I like tennis. 或 I am interested in tennis. 即可
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